C program to check whether a given 5 digit number is palindrome or not

Check for Palindromic number. C program to check whether a given 5 digit number is palindrome or not.

Problem Statement

Write a C program to check if a given 5 digit number is palindrome or not. Take input from the user, check if the given number is a palindromic number and display appropriate message in the end.

A number is said to be a palindromic number if it remains same when reversed. For example 12321 is a palindromic number, where as 12345 is not. You can read more about Palindromic number.


The program takes input number from the user. Then the digits of the given number are reversed. Reversed number is compared with the original number to check if they are equal. If they are equal, the original number is a palindrome. If they are not equal, then the number is not a palindrome.

The Program

/* C program to check whether a given 5 digit number is palindrome or not
* (c) www.c-program-example.com
int main() {
int num, rem, i, rev = 0, num1, count = 0;
printf("Enter a five digit number:\n");
scanf("%d", &num);
num1 = num;
// reverse the given number
while(num > 0) {
rem = num % 10;
rev = rem + rev * 10;
num = num / 10;
if(count == 5) {
if(num1 == rev) { // if it's palindrome, reverse & original number will be same
printf("The Given Number %d is Palindrome", num1);
} else {
printf("The Given Number %d is NOT Palindrome",num1);
} else {
printf("The given %d number is not a five digit number!",num1);
return 0;
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Sample Output

Palindrome number or not

Related Programs

  1. C program to check whether a given string is palindrome or not
  2. Number System

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(c) www.c-program-example.com

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