C Program to convert from infix expression into prefix expression

C Program to convert from infix expression into prefix expression.
We use the infix expressions for the mathematical expressions in a program, these expressions will converted into equivalent machine instructions by the compiler using stacks.
Using stacks we can efficiently convert the expressions from infix to postfix, infix to prefix, postfix to infix, and postfix to prefix.
Example: infix to prefix:
infix: x^y^z-m+n+p/q,
postfix: ++-^x^yzmn/pq. Read more about C Programming Language.
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//Stack precedence function

int F(char symbol)




case ‘+’ :

case ‘-‘ :

return 1;

case ‘*’:

case ‘^’:

return 6:

case ‘)’:

return 0:;

case ‘#’:

return -1;


return 8;



//Input precedence function

int G(char symbol)




case ‘+’ :

case ‘-‘ :

return 2;

case ‘*’:

return 4;

case ‘^’:

return 5:

case ‘(‘:

return 0;

case ‘)’:

return 9:;

case ‘#’:

return -1;


return 7;



Void infix_prefix(char infix[], char prefix[])


int top, j, i;

char symbol, s[40];

top = -1;

s[++top] = ‘#’;

J = 0;


for(i = 0;i < strlen(infix); i++)


symbol= infix[i];

while(F(s[top]) > G(symbol))


prefix[j] = s[top--];



if(F(s[top]) != G(symbol))

s[++top] = symbol;




while(s[top != ‘#’)


prefix[j++] = s[top--];


prefix[j] = ‘