On this page, we have tried to categorize all the programs for quick reference.
Simple C Programs
- Airthmatic Operators
- ++ and — Operatores
- Global and Internal Variables
- Extern Variables
- Bitwise operators
- Size of data Types
- Switch Statement
- Ternary Condition(?)
- Format
- Enumeration Example
- Functions
- Multiplication table
- Do statement
- Sum Digits of Integer
- Pyramid Pattern
- Name Sort
- Variable Values
- Data Types
- Surface area and Volume of Cube
- Roots of Quadratic equation
- Find Variance,Mean, Standard Deviation
- Simple Interest
- Area of Circle
- Find Triangle Type
- Helloword
- Area of Isosceles Triangle
- Biggest of three numbers
- Sleep() Example
- Unions example
- #Define pre processor
- #if,#else,#endif
- Convert days to years,weeks and Days
- Time Functions
C Programs on Arrays
- Insert into Array
- Array summation
- Sum and Average
- Array Deletion
- Split the Array
- Size of Array
- Sum of 2D array using DMA
- Array Addition
- Array Search
- Cyclically Permute the Array
C Programs For Sorting Algorithms
- Bubble Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Heap Sort
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
- Shell Sort
- Bucket Sort
- Radix Sort
- Selection Sort
- String Sort
- Sort Linked List
- Topological Sort
C Programs for Searching
Various C Programs on Numbers
- Binary to Decimal
- Binary to Decimal,Octal,Hexadecimal
- Roman to Decimal
- Decimal to Binary
- Palindrome
- Binary to 2’s complement
- GCD and LCM
- Fibonacci Numbers
- Find Quadrant
- Prime Number
- Complex Numbers
- Sum of Digits
- Swap Numbers
- Cos(x)
- Sin(x)
- X^N
- Polynomial Series
- nPr and nCr.
- Square and Cube
- Armstrong Number
- Perfect Number
- Random Number
C Programs on Files and File handling
- File operations
- Disk Read
- File Copy
- Reverse File contents
- fgets function
- Sequential File
- File characters count
C Programs on Matrix
- Addition,Substraction and Trace of Matrices
- Transpose of a matrix
- Multiplication of Matrices
- Elements Sum of a Matrix
- Equal matrices
- Identity Matrix
- Even and Odd elements in a Matrix
- Inter change diagonal Elements of a Matrix
- Sort Row and Column of a Matrix
- Sparse Matrix
- Inverse of a Matrix
C Programs on Linked List, Stack & Queues
- Linear Queue
- Priority ASC order Queue
- Priority DSC order Queue
- Reverse a Linked List
- Two Stacks on single array
- Circular Queue
- Multiple Priority Queue
- Linked List Creation
- Linked List Operations
- Singly Linked List
- Doubly Linked list
- Stack Implementation
- Sequential File
- Infix to Postfix
- Postfix Evaluation
- Binary Search Tree
- Stack using Linked List
- Queue using Linked List
- Stack using Arrays