K & R C Programs Exercise 5-10.

K and R C, Solution to Exercise 5-10:
K and R C Programs Exercises provides the solution to all the exercises in the C Programming Language (2nd Edition). You can learn and solve K&R C Programs Exercise.
C Program to evaluate reverse Polish expression from the command line, where each operator or operand is a separate argument.
For example:expr 2 3 4 + * evaluates 2 X (3 + 4). Read more about C Programming Language .
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* Happy Coding

#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define MAX 1000

double stack[MAX];
int stack_height = 0;

void panic(const char *msg) {
fprintf(stderr, "%sn", msg);

void push(double value) {
if (stack_height == MAX)
panic("stack is too high!");
stack[stack_height] = value;

double pop(void) {
if (stack_height == 0)
panic("stack is empty!");
return stack[--stack_height];

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int i;
double value;

for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
switch (argv[i][0]) {
case '