C Program for Evaluation of Postfix Expression

C Program for Evaluation of Postfix ExpressionIn this program we evaluate the Postfix Expression, using the stack. For example, 456*+7- is the postfix expression, from left one by one it is inserted into the stack, and after evaluation the answer is 27. Read more about C Programming Language .
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#define SIZE 50 /* Size of Stack */
#include <ctype.h>
int s[SIZE];
int top=-1; /* Global declarations */

push(int elem)
{ /* Function for PUSH operation */

int pop()
{ /* Function for POP operation */

{ /* Main Program */
char pofx[50],ch;
int i=0,op1,op2;
printf("nnRead the Postfix Expression ? ");
while( (ch=pofx[i++]) != '