C program to find the simple interest , given principle, rate of interest and time.

C program to find the simple interest , given principle, rate of interest and time. Simple Interest is the money paid by the borrower to the lender, based on the principle amount, Interest rate and the time period.
Simple interest is calculated by, SI=P*T*R/100 formula.
Where, P is the principle amount.
T is the time period.
R is the Interest Rate.
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

void main()

float p, r, si;
int t;


printf("Enter the values of p,r and tn");
scanf ("%f %f %d", &p, &r, &t);

si = (p * r * t)/ 100.0;

printf ("Amount = Rs. %5.2fn", p);
printf ("Rate = Rs. %5.2f%n", r);
printf ("Time = %d yearsn", t);
printf ("Simple interest = %5.2fn", si);

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2 comments on “C program to find the simple interest , given principle, rate of interest and time.

  • Piyush chourasia says:

    display simple interest on principal amount on the basis of rate of interest per annum and the specifiy duration in c language on paper work

    • Sandeepa Nadahalli says:

      Hi Piyush,

      Thanks for the comment. But it’s not very clear what you are trying to say here. Can you rephrase it please?


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