C Aptitude 27C program is one of most popular programming language which is used for core level of coding across the board. C program is used for operating systems, embedded systems, system engineering, word processors,hard ware drivers, etc.
The C aptitude questions and answers for those questions along with explanation for the interview related queries.
We hope that this questions and answers series on C program will help students and freshers who are looking for a job, and also programmers who are looking to update their aptitude on C program.
Some of the illustrated examples will be from the various companies, and IT industry experts.
Read more about C Programming Language . and read the C Programming Language (2nd Edition). by K and R.
Predict the output or error(s) for the following:
C aptitude 27.1
int i;
i = abc();
_AX = 1000;
Answer: 1000
Explanation: Normally the return value from the function is through the information from the accumulator. Here _AX is the pseudo global variable denoting the accumulator. Hence, the value of the accumulator is set 1000 so the function returns value 1000.
C aptitude 27.2
// If the inputs are 0,1,2,3 find the o/p
int i;
int t;
for ( t=4;scanf("%d",&i)-t;printf("%dn",i))
Answer: 4–0 3–1 2–2
Explanation:Let us assume some x= scanf(“%d”,&i)-t the values during execution will be, t i x 4 0 -4 3 1 -2 2 2 0
C aptitude 27.3
int a,b;
return( a= (a==b) );
int process(),func();
printf("The value of process is %d !n ",process(func,3,6));
int val1,val2;
int (*pf) ();
return((*pf) (val1,val2));
Answer:The value if process is 0 !
Explanation: The function ‘process’ has 3 parameters – 1, a pointer to another function2 and 3, integers. When this function is invoked from main, the following substitutions for formal parameters take place: func for pf, 3 for val1 and 6 for val2. This function returns the result of the operation performed by the function ‘func’. The function func has two integer parameters. The formal parameters are substituted as 3 for a and 6 for b. since 3 is not equal to 6, a==b returns 0. therefore the function returns 0 which in turn is returned by the function ‘process’.
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