C Program to delete a file using remove function.

Write a C program to delete a specified file using remove function.
remove function deletes the specified file, where it takes file name as the argument and if file is successively deleted it returns 0 , other wise returns a non zero value.
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int main()
    char file_name[40];
    printf("Enter the file name with location:n Example, c:example.txtnn");
    if(remove(file_name) != 0 )
    puts("Error deleting filenn");
    puts("File successfully deletednn");
    return 0;
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C program to hide the mouse pointers.

C program to hide the mouse pointers.
In this program, we hide the mouse pointers using graphics.h and dos.h library functions.
To use graphics.h, we have to install the drivers in to the the system by using the initgraph() function.
In this program,we also check the condition that mouse pointer is available or not. Read more about C Programming Language . and read the C Programming Language (2nd Edition). by K and R.

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void showmouseptr();
void hidemouseptr();

union REGS i, o;

int main()
int count = 1, gd = DETECT, gm;

initgraph(&gd,&gm,"C:\TC\BGI");/*check your path, to install the drivers in to the the system*/

i.x.ax = 0;
if(o.x.ax == 0)
printf("nt Sorry! Mouse support not available !");


return 0;

void showmouseptr()
i.x.ax = 1;

void hidemouseptr()
i.x.ax = 2; // to hide mouse
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Graphics in C

C Strings

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C Program to change the text colors.

Write a C Program to change the text colors.
In this program, we give the example of changing the text colors, background colors using conio.h library.
Syntax: void textcolor(int_color);
Here color is the integer variable, you can specify a color name also, but it should be a proper color name in capital letters.
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int main()
textcolor(BLUE); // Change font colour to blue
textbackground(WHITE); //change the background colour to white
cprintf("Color is Blue with white backgroundnn");
textcolor(RED+BLINK);//this one is blinking the text
cprintf("Color is RED with blinkingnn");
return 0;
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C Strings 
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C program to sort a string

C Strings:
Write a C program to sort a string.
In this program we sort the string using bubble sort technique.
Bubble Sort is the simplest and easiest sorting technique. In this technique, the two successive items A[i] and A[i+1] are exchanged whenever A[i]>=A[i+1]. The larger values sink to the bottom of the array and hence it is called sinking sort. The end of each pass smaller values gradually “bubble” their way upward to the top(like air bubbles moving to surface of water) and hence called bubble sort.
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int main(){
    int i,j,n;
    char str[50],temp[50];
    printf("Enter a String:nn");
    printf("The sorted string is:%sn",str);
    return 0;
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Sorting in C
C Strings
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C Aptitude Questions and answers with explanation

C Aptitude 6
C program is one of most popular programming language which is used for core level of coding across the board. C program is used for operating systems, embedded systems, system engineering, word processors,hard ware drivers, etc.

In this site, we have discussed various type of C programs till date and from now on, we will move further by looking at the C aptitude questions.

In the coming days, we will post C aptitude questions, answers and explanation for interview preparations.

The C aptitude questions and answers for those questions along with explanation for the interview related queries.

We hope that this questions and answers series on C program will help students and freshers who are looking for a job, and also programmers who are looking to update their aptitude on C program.
Some of the illustrated examples will be from the various companies, and IT industry experts.
Read more about C Programming Language . and read the C Programming Language (2nd Edition). by K and R.

Predict the output or error(s) for the following:

C aptitude 6.1

int a[2][2][2] = { {10,2,3,4}, {5,6,7,8} };
int *p,*q;

Answer: SomeGarbageValue—1

Explanation: p=&a[2][2][2] you declare only two 2D arrays, but you are trying to access the third 2D(which you are not declared) it will print garbage values. *q=***a starting address of a is assigned integer pointer. Now q is pointing to starting address of a. If you print *q, it will print first element of 3D array.

C aptitude 6.2

struct xx
int x=3;
char name[]="hello";
struct xx *s;

Answer:Compiler Error

Explanation:You should not initialize variables in declaration

C aptitude 6.3

struct xx
int x;
struct yy
char s;
struct xx *p;
struct yy *q;

Answer:Compiler Error

Explanation: The structure yy is nested within structure xx. Hence, the elements are of yy are to be accessed through the instance of structure xx, which needs an instance of yy to be known. If the instance is created after defining the structure the compiler will not know about the instance relative to xx. Hence for nested structure yy you have to declare member.

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C Program to convert number to words.

Problem Statement

Write a C Program to convert number to words.
Input: 4562
Output: four thousand five hundred sixty two


The program takes a number between 0 and 99999 as input. First, we count the total number of digits in the number. This is done by successively dividing the number by 10 until we reach 0. Next we go through each digit in the number and decide what to print based on the value of digit at that position. Digit at a particular position can be obtained by dividing the number by a divider. Divider for a given position is pow(10, (position-1)). We start from the left most position and move right as we identify digit at each position and print relevant words to screen.

In the above example, we first divide the number(4562) by 1000 and get 4. We print four thousand and move on to next digit. The next number to work with can be obtained by num % divider. In this case 4562 % 1000 = 562. We divide this number by 100 (divider for position 3) to get 5. So, we print five hundred and move on to next digit. So forth and so on.

Special case handling

A value of 1 at position 2 and 5 needs special attention. Take these examples. In 23, when we encounter 2 at position 2, we can be print ‘twenty’ without knowing next digit. It will be taken care of next. But in case of 15, when we encounter 1 in position 2, we can’t print anything yet! It could be any number between eleven and nineteen. So, we have to wait till we see the next digit. To keep track of this, we maintain a flag variable which is set to 1 to indicate such a case.

Read more about C Programming Language . and read the C Programming Language (2nd Edition). by K and R.

The Program

void main() {
long num, div, n1;
int flag, digit, pos, tot_dig;
printf("\nEnter a number: ");
scanf("%ld", &num);
if(num == 0) {
if(num > 99999) {
printf("please enter a number between 0 and 100000\n\n");
tot_dig = 0;
div = 1;
n1 = num;
while ( n1 > 9 ) {
n1 = n1 / 10;
div = div * 10;
pos = tot_dig;
while ( num != 0 ) {
digit = num / div;
num = num % div;
div = div / 10;
switch(pos) {
case 2:
case 5:
if ( digit == 1 )
flag = 1;
else {
flag = 0;
switch(digit) {
case 2: printf("twenty ");break;
case 3: printf("thirty ");break;
case 4: printf("forty ");break;
case 5: printf("fifty ");break;
case 6: printf("sixty ");break;
case 7: printf("seventy ");break;
case 8: printf("eighty ");break;
case 9: printf("ninty ");
case 1:
case 4:
if (flag == 1) {
flag = 0;
switch(digit) {
case 0 : printf("ten ");break;
case 1 : printf("eleven ");break;
case 2 : printf("twelve ");break;
case 3 : printf("thirteen ");break;
case 4 : printf("fourteen ");break;
case 5 : printf("fifteen ");break;
case 6 : printf("sixteen ");break;
case 7 : printf("seventeen ");break;
case 8 : printf("eighteen ");break;
case 9 : printf("nineteen ");
} else {
switch(digit) {
case 1 : printf("one ");break;
case 2 : printf("two ");break;
case 3 : printf("three ");break;
case 4 : printf("four ");break;
case 5 : printf("five ");break;
case 6 : printf("six ");break;
case 7 : printf("seven ");break;
case 8 : printf("eight ");break;
case 9 : printf("nine ");
if (pos == 4)
printf("thousand ");
case 3:
if (digit > 0) {
switch(digit) {
case 1 : printf("one ");break;
case 2 : printf("two ");break;
case 3 : printf("three ");break;
case 4 : printf("four ");break;
case 5 : printf("five ");break;
case 6 : printf("six ");break;
case 7 : printf("seven ");break;
case 8 : printf("eight ");break;
case 9 : printf("nine ");
printf("hundred ");
if (pos == 4 && flag == 0)
else if (pos == 4 && flag == 1)
printf("ten thousand");
if (pos == 1 && flag == 1)
printf("ten ");


Sample Output

Sample output

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C Program to find day of birth from DOB

Problem Statement

Write a C Program to find the day of birth when date of birth is given. For example, if we give 02/04/2107  (02nd April 2017) as input, the program should output that it was a Sunday.


  1. Pick a year as base year where January 1st falls on a Monday. We are using 1900 as base year in our program.
  2. Then we find the number of years after base year. Day of the week in the beginning of the year shifts by 1 in every non leap year. 365 days -> 52 * 7 + 1. 
  3. Once we know on what day a given year started, we can calculate each month’s starting day.
  4. From there it’s as simple as counting the days and finding which day it is.

In this program we find the day of birth like Monday, Sunday.. when date of birth is given. For a more detailed explanation of the method can be found here Converting a Month-Date-Year to the Day of the Week

The Program

int main() {
int d, m, y, year, month, day, i;
printf("Enter date of birth (DD MM YYYY) :");
scanf("%d %d %d", &d, &m, &y);
if( (d > 31) || (m > 12) || (y < 1900 || y >= 2100) )
printf("INVALID INPUT. Please enter a valid date between 1900 and 2100");
year = y-1900;
year = year/4;
year = year+y-1900;
case 1:
case 10:
month = 1;
case 2:
case 3:
case 11:
month = 4;
case 7:
case 4:
month = 0;
case 5:
month = 2;
case 6:
month = 5;
case 8:
month = 3;
case 9:
case 12:
month = 6;
year = year + month;
year = year + d;
/* Need to make sure extra day is not needed in leap year for dates before March */
if(( y > 1900 ) && ( y % 4 == 0 ) && ( m < 2 ) )
day = year % 7;
case 0:
printf("Day is SATURDAY\n");
case 1:
printf("Day is SUNDAY\n");
case 2:
printf("Day is MONDAY\n");
case 3:
printf("Day is TUESDAY\n");
case 4:
printf("Day is WEDNESDAY\n");
case 5:
printf("Day is THURSDAY\n");
case 6:
printf("Day is FRIDAY\n");
return 0;
view raw day_of_birth.c hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Sample Output

Date of birth to day of birth
Finding day of birth from DOB

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C program to print all the possible permutations of given digits

Write a C program to print all the possible permutations of given digits.
Permutations means possible way of rearranging in the group or set in the particular order.
Input:1, 2, 3
Output:1 2 3, 1 3 2, 2 1 3, 3 1 2, 2 3 1, 3 2 1
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int lev=-1,n,val[50],a[50];
void main()
int i,j;
printf("Enter how many numbers?n");
printf("nEnter %d numbers:nn",n);
visit(int k)
int i;
printf(" ");

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C Program to toss a coin using random function.

Write a c program to toss a coin using random function.
In this Program,We use the rand()%2 function that will compute random integers 0 or 1.
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void) {
int toss = 0;
int call = 0;

toss = rand() % 2;

printf("Say head or tail! press 0 for head and 1 for tail:nn");
scanf("%d", &call);
if(call==0 || call==1)
if(toss == call)
printf("You called it correctly ... it is tailn");
printf("You called it correctly ... it is headn");
printf("No way ...it is head !n");
printf("No way ... it is tail!n");
printf("Invalid call!!!!!nn");
return 0;
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C program to demonstrate assert macro.

Write a C program to demonstrate assert macro.
assert macro defined in assert.h library. assert is mainly used for debugging. assert function checks the conditions at run time, and program executes only if the assert is true otherwise program aborts and shows the error message.
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
int main()
int num1, num2;
printf("Enter two numbers:nn");
scanf("%d %d", &num1, &num2);
assert(num2 != 0);
printf("%d/%d = %.2fn", num1, num2, num1/(float)num2);
return 0;
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