C Program to add two polynomials using structures.

C Program to add two polynomials using structures. Structure is a c composite data type, in which we can define all the data types under the same name or object. Size of the Structure is the size of all data types, plus any internal padding. the key word “struct” is used to declare the structure. A Polynomial is a mathematical expression involving a sum of powers in one or more variables multiplied by coefficients. Read more about C Programming Language .
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#include < stdio.h >
#include < conio.h >
#define MAX 20

struct addpolynomial {
int exp, coef;

void main() {
struct addpolynomial p1[MAX], p2[MAX], p3[MAX];
int max1, max2, max3;
printf("nEnter first addpolynomial : ");
max1 = read_addpolynomial(p1);
printf("nEnter second addpolynomial : ");
max2 = read_addpolynomial(p2);
max3 = add_addpolynomial(p1, p2, p3, max1, max2);
printf("nFirst addpolynomial is ");
print_addpolynomial(p1, max1);
printf("nSecond addpolynomial is ");
print_addpolynomial(p2, max2);
printf("n The resultant addpolynomial after addition is");
print_addpolynomial(p3, max3);

//function to read polynomial
int read_addpolynomial(struct addpolynomial p[]) {
int i, texp;
i = 0;
printf("nEnter exp ( use -1 to exit) : ");
scanf("%d", &texp);
while (texp != -1) {
p[i].exp = texp;
printf("nEnter coef : ");
scanf("%d", &p[i].coef);
printf("nEnter exp ( use -1 to exit) : ");
scanf("%d", &texp);
return (i);

//function to print polynomial
int print_addpolynomial(struct addpolynomial p[], intMAX1) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < max1; i++)
printf("%+dX%d ", p[i].coef, p[i].exp);

//function to ad polynomials
int add_addpolynomial( p1, p2, p3, max1, max2)
struct addpolynomial p1[], p2[], p3[];
intMAX1, max2;
int i,j,k;
i = j = k = 0;
while ( i <max1 && j <max2)
if( p1[i].exp > p2[j].exp)
p3[k] = p1[i];
if( p1[i].exp < p2[j].exp)
p3[k] = p2[j];
p3[k].exp = p1[i].exp;
p3[k].coef = p1[i].coef + p2[j].coef;
while( i <max1 )
p3[k] = p1[i];
while( j <max2 )
p3[k] = p2[j];

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