K & R C Programs Exercise 4-2.

K and R C, Solution to Exercise 4-2:
K and R C Programs Exercises provides the solution to all the exercises in the C Programming Language (2nd Edition). You can learn and solve K&R C Programs Exercise.
Write a C Program to extend the atof function to handle scientific notations of the form 5234.73e-12
atof function converts the intial nptr string to the double. atof means ASCII to float. In this program that atof function handles the scientific notations also like 12.e-3.. Read more about C Programming Language .

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#include <ctype.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int my_atof(char *string, double *pnumber) {
/* Convert char string to double data type. */
double retval;
double one_tenth = 0.1;
double ten = 10.0;
double zero = 0.0;
int found_digits = 0;
int is_negative = 0;
char *num;

/* Check pointers. */
if (pnumber == 0) {
return 0;
if (string == 0) {
*pnumber = zero;
return 0;
retval = zero;

num = string;

/* Advance past white space. */
while (isspace(*num))

/* Check for sign. */
if (*num == '+')
else if (*num == '-') {
is_negative = 1;
/* Calculate the integer part. */
while (isdigit(*num)) {
found_digits = 1;
retval *= ten;
retval += *num - '0';

/* Calculate the fractional part. */
if (*num == '.') {
double scale = one_tenth;
while (isdigit(*num)) {
found_digits = 1;
retval += scale * (*num - '0');
scale *= one_tenth;
/* If this is not a number, return error condition. */
if (!found_digits) {
*pnumber = zero;
return 0;
/* If all digits of integer & fractional part are 0, return 0.0 */
if (retval == zero) {
*pnumber = zero;
return 1; /* Not an error condition, and no need to
* continue. */
/* Process the exponent (if any) */
if ((*num == 'e') || (*num == 'E')) {
int neg_exponent = 0;
int get_out = 0;
long index;
long exponent = 0;
double getting_too_big = DBL_MAX * one_tenth;
double getting_too_small = DBL_MIN * ten;

if (*num == '+')
else if (*num == '-') {
neg_exponent = 1;
/* What if the exponent is empty? Return the current result. */
if (!isdigit(*num)) {
if (is_negative)
retval = -retval;

*pnumber = retval;

return (1);
/* Convert char exponent to number <= 2 billion. */
while (isdigit(*num) && (exponent < LONG_MAX / 10)) {
exponent *= 10;
exponent += *num - '0';

/* Compensate for the exponent. */
if (neg_exponent) {
for (index = 1; index <= exponent && !get_out; index++)
if (retval < getting_too_small) {
get_out = 1;
retval = DBL_MIN;
} else
retval *= one_tenth;
} else
for (index = 1; index <= exponent && !get_out; index++) {
if (retval > getting_too_big) {
get_out = 1;
retval = DBL_MAX;
} else
retval *= ten;
if (is_negative)
retval = -retval;

*pnumber = retval;

return (1);

double atof(char *s) {
double d = 0.0;
if (!my_atof(s, &d)) {
#ifdef DEBUG
fputs("Error converting string in [sic] atof()", stderr);
return d;

#ifdef UNIT_TEST
char *strings[] = {
int main(void)
int i = 0;
for (; *strings[i]; i++)
printf("atof(%s) = %gn", strings[i], atof(strings[i]));
return 0;

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