K & R C Programs Exercise 4-7.

K and R C, Solution to Exercise 4-7:
K and R C Programs Exercises provides the solution to all the exercises in the C Programming Language (2nd Edition). You can learn and solve K&R C Programs Exercise.
Write C program that will push back an entire string onto the the input.
ungets calls the routine ungetch len times, each time pushing back a character from the string s onto the input. ungets pushes the string back in reverse order.
The routine ungets does not need to worried about the buf and bufp. The routine ungetch handles buf, bufp, and error handling. Read more about C Programming Language .
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/*ungets: push string back onto the input*/

void ungets(char s[])
int len=strlen(s);
void ungetch(int);
while (len >0)
int main(void)
char *s = "oh! this is for testing!";
int c;

while ((c = getch()) != EOF)
return 0;
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K and R C Programs Exercise

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K & R C Programs Exercise 4-1.

K and R C, Solution to Exercise 4-1:
K and R C Programs Exercises provides the solution to all the exercises in the C Programming Language (2nd Edition). You can learn and solve K&R C Programs Exercise.
Write a C program which returns the position of the occurrence of sub string t in string s, or -1 if there is none.
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* for personal and learning purposes. For permissions to use the
* programs for commercial purposes,
* contact info@c-program-example.com
* To find more C programs, do visit www.c-program-example.com
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* Happy Coding

void main()
int flag=0;
char str[80],search[10];
puts("Enter a string:");

puts("Enter search substring:");
flag=strindex(str, search);
if (flag == -1)

//strindex: returns the right most index of t in s, -1 if none*/
int strindex(char s[], char t[])
int k,i,j,pos;
pos = -1;
for(i=0;s[i] != '