C Program to print ASCII values of all characters.
ASCII value is the American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
ASCII value is the numerical value, or order, of an character. There are 128 standard ASCII characters, numbered from 0 to 127. Extended ASCII adds another 128 values and goes to 255. The numbers are typically represented in decimal or in hexadecimal. Read more about C Programming Language .
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ASCII value is the American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
ASCII value is the numerical value, or order, of an character. There are 128 standard ASCII characters, numbered from 0 to 127. Extended ASCII adds another 128 values and goes to 255. The numbers are typically represented in decimal or in hexadecimal. Read more about C Programming Language .
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int main(){
int i;
printf("ASCII value of
character %c: %dn",i,i);
return 0;
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