C Program to solve Dining philosophers problem.

Write a C Program to solve Dining philosophers problem.Dining philosophers problem is a classic synchronization problem.A problem introduced by Dijkstra concerning resource allocation between processes. Five silent philosophers sit  around table with a bowl of spaghetti. A fork is placed between each pair of adjacent philosophers. Each philosopher must alternately think and eat.Eating is not …

C Program to copy and concatenate strings without using standard functions.

C Program to copy and concatenate strings without using standard functions.In this program , we copy one string from another, and without using the standard library function strcpy from string.h .Here we appends the one string to another without using the strcat function. Read more about C Programming Language . /************************************************************ You can use all …

C Program to convert from infix expression into prefix expression

C Program to convert from infix expression into prefix expression.We use the infix expressions for the mathematical expressions in a program, these expressions will converted into equivalent machine instructions by the compiler using stacks.Using stacks we can efficiently convert the expressions from infix to postfix, infix to prefix, postfix to infix, and postfix to prefix. …

C Program to demonstrate isalpha, isdigit, is space.

C Program to demonstrate the following functions:isalpha, isdigit, isspace.The same principles apply to isalnum, iscntrl, isgraph,islower, isprint, ispunct, isupper, isxdigit.In the standard library ctype.h all the above functions are declared.All the subroutines mentioned here, returns non zero(true), If the checked argument is true for the respective subroutines. Read more about C Programming Language . /************************************************************ …

K & R C Programs Exercise 7-9.

K and R C, Solution to Exercise 7-9:K and R C Programs Exercises provides the solution to all the exercises in the C Programming Language (2nd Edition). You can learn and solve K&R C Programs Exercise.Write a C Functions like isupper() can be implemented to save space or to save time. Explore both possibilities. Read …

K & R C Programs Exercise 7-8.

K and R C, Solution to Exercise 7-8:K and R C Programs Exercises provides the solution to all the exercises in the C Programming Language (2nd Edition). You can learn and solve K&R C Programs Exercise.C Program to print a set of files, starting each new one on a new page, with a title and …

K & R C Programs Exercise 7-7.

K and R C, Solution to Exercise 7-7:K and R C Programs Exercises provides the solution to all the exercises in the C Programming Language (2nd Edition). You can learn and solve K&R C Programs Exercise.C program to modify the pattern-finding program of chapter 5(C Programming Language  2nd Edition, page no 117.) to take its …

K & R C Programs Exercise 7-6.

K and R C, Solution to Exercise 7-6:K and R C Programs Exercises provides the solution to all the exercises in the C Programming Language (2nd Edition). You can learn and solve K&R C Programs Exercise.Write a C Program to compare two files, printing the first line where they differ.Read more about C Programming Language …

K & R C Programs Exercise 7-5.

K and R C, Solution to Exercise 7-5:K and R C Programs Exercises provides the solution to all the exercises in the C Programming Language (2nd Edition). You can learn and solve K&R C Programs Exercise.Rewrite the postfix calculator of chapter 4 to use scanf and/or sscanf to do the input number conversion.Read more about …

K & R C Programs Exercise 7-4.

K and R C, Solution to Exercise 7-4:K and R C Programs Exercises provides the solution to all the exercises in the C Programming Language (2nd Edition). You can learn and solve K&R C Programs Exercise.Write a private version of scanf analogous to minprintf from the previous section.minscanf is similar to minprintf. This function collects …