C Program to count number of characters in the file

C Program to count number of characters in the file. In this program you can learn c file operations. Here we counting the characters by reading the characters in the file one by one and if read character was not an ‘n’ ,’t’ or EOF, it increments the counter by one. Read more about C …

C Program to do the operations of Sequential file with records.

C Program to do the operations of Sequential file with records. Sequential file, A file which consists of the same record types that is stored on a secondary storage device. The physical sequence of records may be based upon sorting values of one or more data items or fields. Here we are creating, Reading, searching …

C program to illustrate as to how the data stored on the disk is read.

C Program to illustrate as to how the data stored on the disk is read. In this program we use the C File i/o operations to read the file from disk. fopen function open the files for reading, and fclose() closes the file. Read more about C Programming Language . /************************************************************ You can use all …

C Program to sort the matrix rows and columns.

C Program to sort the matrix rows and columns. This C program accept a order MxN Matrix, and sort all rows of the matrix in ascending order and all columns in descending order . In this program, we use the for statement to read two dimension arrays. Read more about C Programming Language . /************************************************************ …

C program to accept an integer find the sum of the digits in it

C program to accept an integer find the sum of the digits in it. In this program, we accept an integer and get the digits by using while() and % operator, after that we add that digits to the sum variable. Read more about C Programming Language . /************************************************************ You can use all the programs …

C Program To Demonstrate Linear search

Write a C program to input N numbers (integers or reals) and store them in an array. Conduct a linear search for a given key number and report success or failure in the form of a suitable message.Linear search is the basic searching algorithm, also called as sequential search. Algorithm search’s the element by comparing …

C program to find the value of cos(x)

Write a C program to find the value of cos(x) using the series up to the given accuracy (without using user defined function) Also print cos(x) using library function. Read more about C Programming Language. /*********************************************************** * You can use all the programs on www.c-program-example.com * for personal and learning purposes. For permissions to use …

C program to find the value of sin(x)

Write a C program to find the value of sin(x) using the series up to the given accuracy (without using user defined function) Also print sin(x) using library function. Read more about C Programming Language. /*********************************************************** * You can use all the programs on www.c-program-example.com * for personal and learning purposes. For permissions to use …

Binary search in C

C Program to implement Binary search. Binary search technique is simple searching technique which can be applied if the items to be compared are either in ascending order or descending order. The general idea used in binary search is similar to the way we search for the telephone number of a person in the telephone …