C Program to print the values stored in identifiers.

C Program to print the values stored in identifiers. An identifier can be in lowercase or uppercase. The upper and lower case are NOT interchangeable. The above program should give you an idea that C is case sensitive. “Sum” and “sum” are different variables and so have different values. The _ (underscore) character can also …

C program to implement stack.

Data structures using C,Write a C program to implement stack. Stack is a data structure in which the objects are arranged in a non linear order. In stack, elements are added or deleted from only one end, i.e. top of the stack. Stack is a LIFO data structure. LIFO – Last in First Out Perform …

C program to illustrate the operations of singly linked list.

Data structures using C,C program to illustrate the operations of singly linked list. Linked list is a data structure in which the objects are arranged in a linear order. Linked List contains group of nodes, in which each node contains two fields, one is data field and another one is the reference field which contains …

C program to create a linked list and display the elements in the list.

Data structures using C,C program to create a linked list and display the elements in the list. Linked list is a data structure in which the objects are arranged in a linear order. Linked List contains group of nodes, in which each node contains two fields, one is data field and another one is the …

C program to find the sparse matrix

C program to accept a matrix and determine whether it is a sparse matrix or not?. A sparse matrix is a matrix, which has more zero elements than nonzero elements. Read more about C Programming Language . /************************************************************ You can use all the programs on www.c-program-example.com* for personal and learning purposes. For permissions to use …

C Program to interchange the main diagonal elements of the matrix

C Program to interchange the main diagonal elements of the matrix. This Program will accept a matrix of order M x N and store its elements and interchange the main diagonal elements of the matrix with that of the secondary diagonal elements .   Read more about C Programming Language . /************************************************************ You can use …

C program to find the frequency of odd numbers and even numbers in the input of a matrix

C program to find the frequency of odd numbers and even numbers in the input of a matrix. Program will check the element type, if Matrix element is even, it ads 1 to even counter otherwise ad 1 to odd counter. Read more about C Programming Language . /************************************************************ You can use all the programs …

C Program to check if a given matrix is an identity matrix

C Program to check if a given matrix is an identity matrix or not. If I is theIdentity Matrix,then for any matrix A, IA=AI=A. Program will check the givan matrix is identity or not, and prints the appropriate message. Read more about C Programming Language . –> /************************************************************ You can use all the programs on …

C Program to accept two matrices and check if they are equal

C Program to accept two matrices and check if they are equal or not?. Program will accept the two matrices, and return true if their order and their elements are equal, i.e. for all , if a[i][j]==b[i][j]. Read more about C Programming Language . /************************************************************ You can use all the programs on www.c-program-example.com* for personal …