K&R C Programs Exercise 1-05

K and R C Programs Exercises provides the solution to all the exercises in the C Programming Language, second addition, by Brian W.Keringhan and Dennis M.Ritchie(Prentice Hall,1988). You can learn and solve K&R C Programs Exercise. C program to print the Temperature table in reverse order, that is, from 300 degrees to 0 using for …

K&R C Program Exercise 1-03

K and R C Programs Exercises provides the solution to all the exercises in the C Programming Language, second addition, by Brian W.Keringhan and Dennis M.Ritchie(Prentice Hall,1988). You can learn and solve K&R C Programs Exercise. C program to print the corresponding Fahrenheit to Celcius table. print Fahrenheit-celcius table for fahrenheit=0,20…….300;floating-point version. Read more about …

K&R C Program Exercise 1-04

K and R C Programs Exercises provides the solution to all the exercises in the C Programming Language, second edition, by Brian W. Keringhan and Dennis M. Ritchie(Prentice Hall,1988). You can learn and solve K&R C Programs Exercise. C program to print the corresponding Celsius to Fahrenheit table. print Celsius-Fahrenheit table for Celsius=0,20…….300;floating-point version. Read …

C Program to find Binomial Coefficients

C Program to find Binomial Integers without using recursion. Binomial coefficients are positive integers that are coefficient of any term in the expansion of (x + a) the number of combination’s of a specified size that can be drawn from a given set. There are many ways to compute the Binomial coefficients. Like, Recursive formula …

C program to check whether a given 5 digit number is palindrome or not

Check for Palindromic number. C program to check whether a given 5 digit number is palindrome or not. Problem Statement Write a C program to check if a given 5 digit number is palindrome or not. Take input from the user, check if the given number is a palindromic number and display appropriate message in …

C program to create a subsets using backtracking method.

C Program to find the subsets in the set. We use the backtracking method to solve this problem. Backtracking is the refinement method of Brute-Force method. Backtrack method means it finds the number of sub solutions and each may have number of sub divisions, and solution chosen for exactly one. Backtracking method is a recursive …

C Program to find GCD and LCM using Recursion

C Program to find the GCD and LCM. In this program we used the Recursion method. Recursion is the programming technique that a process invoking itself again and again. Here find_gcd() and find_(lcm) are the recursive methods. for example LCM and GCD of 8,12 is 24 and 4 Read more about C Programming Language . …

C program to print Fibonacci numbers using Recursion

C Program to print Fibonacci numbers. In this program we used the Recursion method. Recursion is the programming technique that a process invoking itself again and again. Fibonacci numbers are sequence of numbers starts from 0 and 1 , continue by adding previous number. 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,…….. Read more about C Programming Language . /************************************************************ You can …

C Program to calculate factorial using Recursive function

C Program to find the factorial of a number. In this program we used the Recursion method. Recursion is the programming technique that a process invoking itself again and again. The standard recursive function for factorial is factorial=n*fact(n-1). factorial of number denoted by ‘!’, means product of all non negative integers from 1 to number. …

C Program to calculate the Combinations and Permutations.

C Program to calculate the Combination and Permutations. Combination means way of selecting a things or particular item from the group or sets. nCr=n!/r!(n-r)!. Permutations means possible way of rearranging in the group or set in the particular order. Read more about C Programming Language . /************************************************************ You can use all the programs on www.c-program-example.com* …