K & R C Programs Exercise 6-6.

K and R C, Solution to Exercise 6-6:
K and R C Programs Exercises provides the solution to all the exercises in the C Programming Language (2nd Edition). You can learn and solve K&R C Programs Exercise.
C Program to implement a simple version of the #define processor(i.e , no arguments) suitable for use with C programs, based on the routines of this section, You may also find getch and ungetch helpful.Read more about C Programming Language .

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* Happy Coding


#define MAXWORD 100

struct nlist{
struct nlist *next;
char *name;
char *defn;
void error(int, char*);
int getch(void);
void getdef(void);
int getword(char *,int);
struct nlist *install(char *,char *);
struct nlist *lookup(char *);
void skipblanks(void);
void undef(char *);
void ungetch(int);
void ungets(char *);

//simple version of #define processor
char w[MAXWORD];
struct nlist *p;
while(getword(w, MAXWORD) != EOF)
if(strcmp(w, "#") == 0)
else if(!isalpha(w[0]))
else if ((p == lookup(w)) == NULL)

//getdef:get defination and install it
void getdef()
int c,i;
char def[MAXWORD], dir[MAXWORD], name[MAXWORD];
error(dir[0],"getdef:expecting a directve after #");
else if(strcmp(dir,"define") == 0) {
if(!isalpha(getword(name, MAXWORD)))
error(name[0],"getdef:non alpha name expected"):
for(i = 0;i < MAXWORD-1; i++)
if((def[i] = getch()) == EOF || def[i] == 'n')
def[i] = '';
if(i <= 0)
error('n',"getdef:non alpha in define");
install(name, def);
}else if(strcmp(dir,"undef") == 0) {
if(!isalpha(getword(name, MAXWORD)))
error(name[0],"getdef:non alphain undef"):
error(dir[0],"getdef:expecting a directive after #");

//undef:remove a name and defination from the table
int undef(char * name) {
struct nlist * np1, * np2;

if ((np1 = lookup(name)) == NULL) /* name not found */
return 1;

for ( np1 = np2 = hashtab[hash(name)]; np1 != NULL;
np2 = np1, np1 = np1->next ) {
if ( strcmp(name, np1->name) == 0 ) { /* name found */

/* Remove node from list */

if ( np1 == np2 )
hashtab[hash(name)] = np1->next;
np2->next = np1->next;

/* Free memory */


return 0;

return 1; /* name not found */

//error:print error message and skip the rest of the line
void error(int c, char *s)
while(c != EOF && c != 'n')
c = getch();

//skipblanks:skip blan and tab characters
void skipblanks()
int c;
while((c = getch()) == ' ' ||c == 't')

/*ungets: push string back onto the input*/
void ungets(char s[])
int len=strlen(s);
void ungetch(int);
while (len >0)
/*note: modify the getword function to return
spaces so that the output resembles the input data.*/
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K and R C Programs Exercise

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C Program to Demonstrate #if, #else & #endif preprocessors.

C Program to demonstrate the Preprocessor directives like #if, #else, #define, #endif. C Preprocessors are not the program statements, they are executed before the actual compilation of the code. C Preprocessors substitute the code where they called, i.e they replace the code as they defined. #if, #else are the conditional directives. Here at the compile time #if value is false, so #else part is execute.
Read more about C Programming Language .

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#define SWITCH 0

/* The #if can only perform
* INTEGER tests!!!!
#if ( SWITCH == 1 )
#define TEXT "Example to #if"
#define TEXT "Example to # else"

main ()
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C program to Demonstrate the #define pre-processor.

C Program to demonstrate #define pre-processor. Macro is a piece of text that is expanded by the pre-processor part of the compiler. This is used in to expand text before compiling. Macro definitions (#define), and conditional inclusion (#if). In many C implementations, it is a separate program invoked by the compiler as the first part of translation.Read more about C Programming Language .

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* Happy Coding

#define EQ ==

main ()
/* the EQ is translated to == by
* the C pre-processor. COOL!
if ( 5 EQ 5 ) printf("define works...n");
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