C Program which produces its own source code as its output.

Write a c program which produces its own source code as its output.
This C program uses the C File i/o operations like fopen(), fclose(). In this program, We pritn the source code of the program.Read more about C Programming Language .

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int main()
FILE *fp;
char c;

fp = fopen(__FILE__,"r");


c= getc(fp);




return 0;


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C File i/o

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K & R C Programs Exercise 4-8.

K and R C, Solution to Exercise 4-8:
K and R C Programs Exercises provides the solution to all the exercises in the C Programming Language (2nd Edition). You can learn and solve K&R C Programs Exercise.
C Program to modify the K & R C Programs Exercise 4-7, Suppose there will never be more than one character of pushback. Modify getch and ungetch accordingly. Read more about C Programming Language .

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#include <stdio.h>
char buf = 0;

//getch: get a (possible pushed character back) character
int getch(void)
 int c;
 if(buf != 0)
  c = buf;
  c getchar();
 buf = =0;
 return c;

/*ungetch: push string back onto the input*/
void ungetch(int c)
 if (buf != 0)
  printf("ungetch: too many characters!n");
  buf = c;
int main(void)
 int c;

 while ((c = getch()) != EOF) {
  if (c == '/') {
   if ((c = getch()) == '*') { 
 return 0;
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K & R C Programs Exercise 4-7.

K and R C, Solution to Exercise 4-7:
K and R C Programs Exercises provides the solution to all the exercises in the C Programming Language (2nd Edition). You can learn and solve K&R C Programs Exercise.
Write C program that will push back an entire string onto the the input.
ungets calls the routine ungetch len times, each time pushing back a character from the string s onto the input. ungets pushes the string back in reverse order.
The routine ungets does not need to worried about the buf and bufp. The routine ungetch handles buf, bufp, and error handling. Read more about C Programming Language .

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/*ungets: push string back onto the input*/

void ungets(char s[])
int len=strlen(s);
void ungetch(int);
while (len >0)
int main(void)
char *s = "oh! this is for testing!";
int c;

while ((c = getch()) != EOF)
return 0;
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C Program to add one to digits of a number

Write C Program to add one to digits of a number.
C Program that adds the 1 to each single digit of a number, i.e for Example 12345’s output is 23456.
If the digit is 9 it adds 1 and follows the carry system, 9 becomes 0 and 9’s left digit adds one more 1. I.e., 3491’s output is 4602. Read more about C Programming Language .

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int main()
 int num, sum = 0;
 int rem, check = 0;
 clrscr( );
 printf("Enter the required number:");
 printf("nGiven Number: %d",num);
  rem = num % 10;
  if(rem != 9)
   if(check == 0) 
    sum = (10 * sum) + (rem + 1);
    sum = (10*sum) + (rem + 2);
    check = 0;
   sum = (10 * sum) + 0;
   check = 1;
  num = num/10;

 num = sum; sum=0;
 while(num > 0)
  rem = num % 10;
  sum = (10*sum) + rem;
  num = num / 10;
 printf("nAfter Adding one: %d",sum);
 getch( );
 return 0;
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Number System

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C Program to implement Priority Queue using structure.

Data structures using C,
Write a C Program to implement Priority Queue using structure.
Priority QUEUE is a abstract data type in which the objects are inserted with respect to certain priority. In this program, we created the simple ascending order priority queue using the structure, here items are inserted in ascending order. Structure is a c composite data type, in which we can define all the data types under the same name or object.Read more about C Programming Language .

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#define SIZE 5 /* Size of Queue */
int f=0,r=-1; /* Global declarations */
typedef struct PRQ
int ele;
int pr;

PriorityQ PQ[SIZE];

PQinsert(int elem, int pre)
int i; /* Function for Insert operation */
if( Qfull()) printf("nn Overflow!!!!nn");
while(PQ[i].pr >= pre && i >= 0) /* Find location for new elem */

PriorityQ PQdelete()
{ /* Function for Delete operation */
PriorityQ p;
if(Qempty()){ printf("nnUnderflow!!!!nn");
return(p); }

int Qfull()
{ /* Function to Check Queue Full */
if(r==SIZE-1) return 1;
return 0;

int Qempty()
{ /* Function to Check Queue Empty */
if(f > r) return 1;
return 0;

{ /* Function to display status of Queue */
int i;
if(Qempty()) printf(" n Empty Queuen");
printf("[%d,%d] ",PQ[i].ele,PQ[i].pr);

{ /* Main Program */
int opn;
PriorityQ p;
printf("n ### Priority Queue Operations(DSC order) ### nn");
printf("n Press 1-Insert, 2-Delete,3-Display,4-Exitn");
printf("n Your option ? ");
case 1: printf("nnRead the element and its Priority?");
PQinsert(p.ele,p.pr); break;
case 2: p=PQdelete();
if( p.ele != -1)
printf("nnDeleted Element is %d n",p.ele);
case 3: printf("nnStatus of Queuenn");
display(); break;
case 4: printf("nn Terminating nn"); break;
default: printf("nnInvalid Option !!! Try Again !! nn");
printf("nnnn Press a Key to Continue . . . ");
}while(opn != 4);

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C program to implement bit flipping.

Write a C program to implement bit flipping.
C Program to setbits(x,p,n,y) that returns x with the n bits that begin at position p set to the rightmost n bits of y, leaving the other bits unchanged in the least number of lines.
Bit flipping or flip bit is the complement(~) of bits. i.e., 0 to 1 and vise versa. bit flipping is the bits manipulation or processing individual bits within a byte. Bit flipping is used in the very low-level programming and is often used in graphics and systems programming.Read more about C Programming Language .

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#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <limits.h>

unsigned setbits(unsigned x, unsigned p, unsigned n, unsigned y) {
x |= (y & ~(~0 << n)) << p;
size_t s = (int)(log(INT_MAX)/log(2)) + 1;
printf("nnnSuccess! Number after bit flipping: n", s);
int mask = pow(2.0, (int)s);
do {
((x & mask) == 0) ? printf("0") : printf("1");
((s%4)==0) ? printf(" ") : printf("");
x <<= 1;
} while (s--);

void main( ) {
unsigned retrn=1, begin=0, nbits=0, num=0;

printf("Enter the number to bit flip!n");
printf("Enter the number of bits to be flip!n");
printf("Enter the position to begin bit flip!n");
unsigned x = setbits(retrn, begin, nbits, num);

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C Program to print factors of the number.

Write a C Program to print factors of a number. Factors of a whole number are the whole numbers which are exactly divides the number. i.e reminder is equal to zero.
Example: Factors of 8 are: 1, 2, 4, and 8.
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void main( )
int num,x;
clrscr( );
printf("Enter the required number:");
printf("nThe factors are:");
for(x=1; x<=num; x++)
getch( );
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C Program to implement topological sort.

Write a c program to implement topological sort.
Topological sort is the ordering vertices of a directed, acyclic graph(DAG), so that if there is an arc from vertex i to vertex j, then i appears before j in the linear ordering. Read more about C Programming Language .

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#define MAX 200
int n,adj[MAX][MAX];
int front = -1,rear = -1,queue[MAX];
void main()
int i,j = 0,k;
int topsort[MAX],indeg[MAX];
printf(“The adjacency matrix is:n”);
printf("Nodes after topological sorting are:n");
int i,max_edges,origin,destin;
printf("n Enter number of vertices:");
max_edges = n * (n - 1);
for(i = 1;i <= max_edges;i++)
printf("n Enter edge %d (00 to quit):",i);
if((origin == 0) && (destin == 0))
printf("Invalid edge!!n");
adj[origin][destin] = 1;
int i,j;
for(i = 0;i <= n;i++)
for(j = 1;jrear)
printf(“Queue Underflow”);
del_item = queue[front];
front = front + 1;
return del_item;
int indegree(int node)
int i,in_deg = 0;
for(i = 1;i <= n;i++)
if(adj[i][node] == 1)

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C Sorting
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K & R C Programs Exercise 3-6.

K and R C, Solution to Exercise 3-6:
K and R C Programs Exercises provides the solution to all the exercises in the C Programming Language (2nd Edition). You can learn and solve K&R C Programs Exercise.
C program to change version of itoa that accepts three arguments instead of two(K and R C Exercise 3-4). The third argument is a minimum field width; the converted number must be paddle with blanks on the left if necessary to make it wide enough. Read more about C Programming Language .

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#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#define abs(x) ((x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x))
void itoa(int n, char s[], int w);
void reverse(char s[]);

int main(void) {
char buffer[20];

printf("INT_MIN: %dn", INT_MIN);
itoa(INT_MIN, buffer);
printf("Buffer : %sn", buffer);

return 0;
//itoa: convert to n characters in s, w characters wide.
void itoa(int n, char s[], int w)
void int i, sign;
void everse(char s[]);
sign = n;
i = 0;
s[i++] = abs(n%10) + '0';
printf("%d %% %d + '0' = %dn", n, 10, s[i-1]);
if(sign < 0)
s[i++] = '-';
while(i < w)
s[i++] = ' ';
s[i] = '';
void reverse(char s[]) {
int c, i, j;
for ( i = 0, j = strlen(s)-1; i < j; i++, j--) {
c = s[i];
s[i] = s[j];
s[j] = c;
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K & R C Programs Exercise 3-4.

K and R C, Solution to Exercise 3-4:
K and R C Programs Exercises provides the solution to all the exercises in the C Programming Language (2nd Edition). You can learn and solve K&R C Programs Exercise.
Write a C program to represent the binary numbers in a negative sign.There are a number of ways of representing signed integers in binary, for example, signed-magnitude, excess-M, one’s complement and two’s complement. In this program , we handle the problem that is, the value of n equal to -(2 to the power (wordsize – 1))(C Programming Language (2nd Edition) by Brian W.Kernighan & Dennis M.Richie page no 64) by changing the (n /= 10) > 0 to (n /= 10) != 0. Read more about C Programming Language .

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#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#define abs(x) ((x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x))
void itoa(int n, char s[]);
void reverse(char s[]);

int main(void) {
char buffer[20];

printf("INT_MIN: %dn", INT_MIN);
itoa(INT_MIN, buffer);
printf("Buffer : %sn", buffer);

return 0;
//itoa: convert to n characters in s - modified.
void itoa(int n, char s[])
void int i, sign;
void everse(char s[]);
sign = n;
i = 0;
s[i++] = abs(n%10) + '0';
if(sign < 0)
s[i++] = '-';
s[i] = '';
void reverse(char s[]) {
int c, i, j;
for ( i = 0, j = strlen(s)-1; i < j; i++, j--) {
c = s[i];
s[i] = s[j];
s[j] = c;
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