C Program to implement HEAP sort

Data structures using C, Heap sort algorithm starts by building a heap from the given elements,and then heap removes its largest element from the end of partially sorted array. After removing the largest element, it reconstructs the heap, removes the largest remaining item, and places it in the next open position from the end of the partially sorted array. This is repeated until there are no items left in the heap and the sorted array is full. Elementary implementations require two arrays – one to hold the heap and the other to hold the sorted elements. Read more about C Programming Language .
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void heapsort(int[],int);
void heapify(int[],int);
void adjust(int[],int);

int n,i,a[50];

printf("nEnter the limit:");

printf("nEnter the elements:");


printf("nThe Sorted Elements Are:n");

void heapsort(int a[],int n)
int i,t;


t = a[0];
a[0] = a[i];
a[i] = t;

void heapify(int a[],int n)
int k,i,j,item;

item = a[k];
i = k;
j = (i-1)/2;

a[i] = a[j];
i = j;
j = (i-1)/2;
a[i] = item;

void adjust(int a[],int n)
int i,j,item;

j = 0;
item = a[j];
i = 2*j+1;

if(i+1 <= n-1)
if(a[i] <a[i+1])
a[j] = a[i];
j = i;
i = 2*j+1;
a[j] = item;

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Data Structures
C Sorting Techniques
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C Program to implement quick sort

C Program to implement quick sort. Quick sort algorithm is based on divide and conquer strategy. In a quick sort we take the one element called as pivot,then we list all the smaller elements than pivot, and greater than pivot. after partitioning we have pivot in the final position. After recursively sorting the partition array, we get the sorted elements. Read more about C Programming Language .
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void swap (int a[], int left, int right)
int temp;
}//end swap

void quicksort( int a[], int low, int high )
int pivot;
// Termination condition!
if ( high > low )
pivot = partition( a, low, high );
quicksort( a, low, pivot-1 );
quicksort( a, pivot+1, high );
} //end quicksort

int partition( int a[], int low, int high )
int left, right;
int pivot_item;
int pivot = left = low;
pivot_item = a[low];
right = high;
while ( left < right )
// Move left while item < pivot
while( a[left] <= pivot_item )
// Move right while item > pivot
while( a[right] > pivot_item )
if ( left < right )
// right is final position for the pivot
a[low] = a[right];
a[right] = pivot_item;
return right;
}//end partition

// void quicksort(int a[], int, int);
void printarray(int a[], int);

int main()
int a[50], i, n;
printf("nEnter no. of elements: ");
scanf("%d", &n);
printf("nEnter the elements: n");
for (i=0; i<n; i++)
scanf ("%d", &a[i]);
printf("nUnsorted elements: n");
printf("nSorted elements: n");

}//end main

void printarray(int a[], int n)
int i;
for (i=0; i<n; i++)
printf(" %d ", a[i]);
}//end printarray

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Data Structures

C Sorting

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C program to sort given N elements using SELECTION sort method

Write a C program to sort given N elements using SELECTION sort method using functions :
a) To find maximum of elements
b) To swap two elements
Selection sort is comparison based sorting technique, It finds the minimum value in list and swaps that value to the first position and so on. Selection sort is inefficient on larger data. Read more about C Programming Language .

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#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

void main()
int array[10];
int i, j, N, temp;

int findmax(int b[10], int k); /* function declaration */
void exchang(int b[10], int k);


printf("Enter the value of Nn");

printf("Enter the elements one by onen");
for(i=0; i<N ; i++)


printf("Input array elementsn");
for(i=0; i<N ; i++)

/* Selection sorting begins */

printf("Sorted array is...n");
for(i=0; i< N ; i++)

} /* End of main*/

/* function to find the maximum value */
int findmax(int b[10], int k)
int max=0,j;
for(j = 1; j <= k; j++)
if ( b[j] > b[max])
max = j;

void exchang(int b[10],int k)
int temp, big, j;
for ( j=k-1; j>=1; j--)

big = findmax(b,j);
temp = b[big];
b[big] = b[j];
b[j] = temp;
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Data Structures

C Sorting

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C Program To Sort Names

Write a C program to read N names, store them in the form of an array and sort them in alphabetical order.Output the given names and the sorted names in two columns side by side with suitable heading.Program will sort the name strings using Bubble Sort technique. Read more about C Programming Language .

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#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string.h>

void main()
char name[10][8], Tname[10][8], temp[8];
int i, j, N;


printf("Enter the value of Nn");
scanf("%d", &N);

printf("Enter %d namesn", N);
for(i=0; i< N ; i++)
strcpy (Tname[i], name[i]);

for(i=0; i < N-1 ; i++)
for(j=i+1; j< N; j++)
if(strcmpi(name[i],name[j]) > 0)

printf("Input NamestSorted namesn");
for(i=0; i< N ; i++)
printf("%stt%sn",Tname[i], name[i]);

} /* End of main() */
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Data Structures

C Sorting

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Binary search in C

C Program to implement Binary search. Binary search technique is simple searching technique which can be applied if the items to be compared are either in ascending order or descending order. The general idea used in binary search is similar to the way we search for the telephone number of a person in the telephone directory. Binary search is the divide and conquer strategy.Read more about C Programming Language.
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* This program was originally published at
* http://www.c-program-example.com/2011/09/c-program-for-binary-search.html
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/*C Program for Binary search */
int main() {
int n, a[30], item, i, j, mid, top, bottom;
printf("Enter how many elements you want:\n");
scanf("%d", &n);
printf("Enter the %d elements in ascending order\n", n);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
scanf("%d", &a[i]);
printf("\nEnter the item to search\n");
scanf("%d", &item);
bottom = 1;
top = n;
do {
mid = (bottom + top) / 2;
if (item < a[mid])
top = mid - 1;
else if (item > a[mid])
bottom = mid + 1;
} while (item != a[mid] && bottom <= top);
if (item == a[mid]) {
printf("Binary search successfull!!\n");
printf("\n %d found in position: %d\n", item, mid + 1);
} else {
printf("\n Search failed\n %d not found\n", item);
return 0;
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C Basic
Search Algorithms.

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