C Program to find the position of a sub string.

C Strings:
C Program to find the position of a sub string in a given string.
In this program, We find the position of a sub string where it starts  in the main string. Read more about C Programming Language .

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#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
char firststr[30], substr[10];
char *secondstr, *thirdstr;
printf("Enter any string");
printf("Enter sub string");
i=substr(secondstr, thirdstr);
printf("The starting location/position of substring in main string: %d", i;
printf("String not found");

int substr(secondstr, thirdstr)

char *secondstr, *thirdstr;

int j=0,l=0;
static int k;

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C Strings

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K & R C Programs Exercise 7-7.

K and R C, Solution to Exercise 7-7:
K and R C Programs Exercises provides the solution to all the exercises in the C Programming Language (2nd Edition). You can learn and solve K&R C Programs Exercise.
C program to modify the pattern-finding program of chapter 5(C Programming Language  2nd Edition, page no 117.) to take its input from a set of named files or, if no files are named as arguments, from the standard input. Should the file name be printed when a matching line is found.Read more about C Programming Language .

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#define MAXLINE 1000

/*print lines that match pattern from 1st argument */
main(int argc, char *argv[])
char pattern[MAXLINE];
int c, excpet = 0,number = 0;
FILE *fp;
void fpat(FILE *fp, char *fname, char *pattern, int except, int number);

while(--argc > 0 && (*++argv)[0] == '-')
while(c = *++argv[0])
switch(c) {
case 'x':
except = 1;
case 'n':
number = 1;
printf("find:illigal option %cn",c);
argc = 0;
if(argc >= 1)
strcpy(pattern, *argv);
printf("Usage:find[-x] [-n] pattern [file....]n");
if(argc == 1)
while(--argc > 0)
if((fp = fopen(*++argv,"r")) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"find:can't open %sn",*argv);
} else {
fpat(fp, *argv, pattern,except,number);
return 0;

/*fpat: find pattern*/
void fpat(FILE *fp, char *fname, char *pattern, int except, int number)
char line[MAXLINE];
long loneno = 0;

while(fgets(line, MAXLINE, fp) != NULL){
if((strstr(line,pattern) != NULL) !=except) {
printf("%s -",fname);
printf("%ld: ",lineno);

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K & R C Programs Exercise 6-6.

K and R C, Solution to Exercise 6-6:
K and R C Programs Exercises provides the solution to all the exercises in the C Programming Language (2nd Edition). You can learn and solve K&R C Programs Exercise.
C Program to implement a simple version of the #define processor(i.e , no arguments) suitable for use with C programs, based on the routines of this section, You may also find getch and ungetch helpful.Read more about C Programming Language .

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#define MAXWORD 100

struct nlist{
struct nlist *next;
char *name;
char *defn;
void error(int, char*);
int getch(void);
void getdef(void);
int getword(char *,int);
struct nlist *install(char *,char *);
struct nlist *lookup(char *);
void skipblanks(void);
void undef(char *);
void ungetch(int);
void ungets(char *);

//simple version of #define processor
char w[MAXWORD];
struct nlist *p;
while(getword(w, MAXWORD) != EOF)
if(strcmp(w, "#") == 0)
else if(!isalpha(w[0]))
else if ((p == lookup(w)) == NULL)

//getdef:get defination and install it
void getdef()
int c,i;
char def[MAXWORD], dir[MAXWORD], name[MAXWORD];
error(dir[0],"getdef:expecting a directve after #");
else if(strcmp(dir,"define") == 0) {
if(!isalpha(getword(name, MAXWORD)))
error(name[0],"getdef:non alpha name expected"):
for(i = 0;i < MAXWORD-1; i++)
if((def[i] = getch()) == EOF || def[i] == 'n')
def[i] = '';
if(i <= 0)
error('n',"getdef:non alpha in define");
install(name, def);
}else if(strcmp(dir,"undef") == 0) {
if(!isalpha(getword(name, MAXWORD)))
error(name[0],"getdef:non alphain undef"):
error(dir[0],"getdef:expecting a directive after #");

//undef:remove a name and defination from the table
int undef(char * name) {
struct nlist * np1, * np2;

if ((np1 = lookup(name)) == NULL) /* name not found */
return 1;

for ( np1 = np2 = hashtab[hash(name)]; np1 != NULL;
np2 = np1, np1 = np1->next ) {
if ( strcmp(name, np1->name) == 0 ) { /* name found */

/* Remove node from list */

if ( np1 == np2 )
hashtab[hash(name)] = np1->next;
np2->next = np1->next;

/* Free memory */


return 0;

return 1; /* name not found */

//error:print error message and skip the rest of the line
void error(int c, char *s)
while(c != EOF && c != 'n')
c = getch();

//skipblanks:skip blan and tab characters
void skipblanks()
int c;
while((c = getch()) == ' ' ||c == 't')

/*ungets: push string back onto the input*/
void ungets(char s[])
int len=strlen(s);
void ungetch(int);
while (len >0)
/*note: modify the getword function to return
spaces so that the output resembles the input data.*/
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K & R C Programs Exercise 5-19.

K and R C, Solution to Exercise 5-19:
K and R C Programs Exercises provides the solution to all the exercises in the C Programming Language (2nd Edition). You can learn and solve K&R C Programs Exercise.
C Program to modify(K & R C Programs Exercise 5-18.) undcl so that it does not add redundant parentheses to declarations. Read more about C Programming Language .

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#define MAXTOKEN 100

enum { YES, NO};

int gettoken(void);
int nexttoken(void);
extern int tokentype;
extern char token[MAXTOKEN];
char out[1000];
extern int prevtoken = NO;
//UNDCL:convert word description to declaration
int type;
char temp[MAXTOKEN];
while (gettoken() !=EOF) {
strcy(out, token);
while ((type = gettoken()) != 'n')
if(type == PARENS || type == BRACKETS)
strcat(out, token);
else if(type == '*') {
if((type = nexttoken()) == PARENS || type == BRACKETS)
sprintf(temp, "(*%s)", out);
sprintf(temp, "*%s", out);
strcpy(out, temp);

}else if(type == NAME){
sprintf(temp, "%s%s",token, out);
strcpy(out, temp);
printf("Invalid input at %sn",token);
return 0;

//nexttoken: get the next token and push it back
int nexttoken(void)
int type;
extern int prevtoken;
type = gettoken();
prevtoken = YES;
return type;

//get token:return next token
int gettoken(void)
int c, getch(void);
void ungetch(int);
char *p = token;
if(prevtoken == YES) {
prevtoken = NO;
return tokentype;
while((c = getch()) == ' ' || c == 't')
if(c == '('){
if ((c = getch()) == ')'){
return tokentype = PARENS;
return tokentype = '(';
else if(c == '['){
for(*p++ = c; (*p++ = getch()) != ']';)
*p = '';
return tokentype = BRACKETS;
else if (isalpha(c)) {
for(*p++ = c; isalnum(c = getch());)
*p++ = c;
*p = '';
return tokentype = NAME;
} else
return tokentype = c;

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K & R C Programs Exercise 5-15.

K and R C, Solution to Exercise 5-15:
K and R C Programs Exercises provides the solution to all the exercises in the C Programming Language (2nd Edition). You can learn and solve K&R C Programs Exercise.
C program to add the option -f to fold upper and l;ower case together, so that case distinctions are not made during sorting; for example, c and C compare equal. Read more about C Programming Language .

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#define NUMERIC 1
#define DECR 2
#define FOLD 4
#define LINES 100
int charcmp(char *, char *);
int numcmp(char *, char *);
int readlines(char *lineptr[], int maxlines);
void qsort(char *v[], int left, int right, int (*cmp)(void *, void *));
void write lines(char *lineptr[], int nlines, int order);
static char option = 0;
// sort input lines
main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *lineptr[LINES];
int nlines;
int c, rc = 0;
while(--argc > 0 && (*++argv)[0] == '-')
while(c = *++argv[0]
switch(c) {

case 'f':
option != FOLD;
case 'n':
option != NUMERIC;
case 'r':
option != DECR;
printf("sort: illigal option %cn",c);
argc = 1;
rc = -1;
printf("Usage:sort -dfnr n");
if(nlines = readlines(lineptr, LINES)) > 0){
if(option & NUMERIC)
qsort((void **) lineptr, 0, nlines-1,(int (*)(void *, void *)) numcmp);
qsort((void **) lineptr, 0, nlines-1,(int (*)(void *, void *)) charcmp);
writelines(lineptr, nlines, option & DECR);
} else {
printf("input too big to sortn");
rc = -1;
return rc;

/*charcmp: return < 0 if s<t, 0 if s==t,>0 if s>t */
int charcmp(char *s, char *t)
for(; tolower(*s) == tolower(*t);s++,t++)
if(*s == '')
return 0;
return tolwer(*s) - tolower(*t);

//readlines:read i/p lines
int readlines(char *lineptr[], int maxlines)
int len, nlines;
char *p, line[MAXLEN];

nlines = 0;
while ((len = getline(line, MAXLEN)) > 0)
if (nlines >= maxlines || (p = malloc(len)) == NULL)
return -1;
else {
line[len - 1] = '';
strcpy(p, line);
lineptr[nlines++] = p;
return nlines;

//writeline:write output lines
void writelines(char *lineptr[], int nlines)
int i;

for (i = 0; i < nlines; i++)
printf("%sn", lineptr[i]);

//cnumcmp:ompare p1 and p2 numerically
int numcmp(const void *p1, const void *p2)
char * const *s1 = reverse ? p2 : p1;
char * const *s2 = reverse ? p1 : p2;
double v1, v2;

v1 = atof(*s1);
v2 = atof(*s2);
if (v1 < v2)
return -1;
else if (v1 > v2)
return 1;
return 0;

/*qsort: sort v[left]....v[right] into increasing order */
void qsort(void *v[], int left, int right, int (*cmp)(void *,void *))
int i, last;
void swap(void *v[], int, int);
if(left >= right)
swap(v,left,(left + right)/2);
last = left;
for(i = left+1; i<= right; i++)
if ((*comp)(v[i],v[left]) < 0)

void swap(void *v[], int i, int j)
void *temp;
temp = v[i];
v[i] = v[j];
v[j] = temp;
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C Program to generate sparse matrix.

C Program to generate sparse matrix.
A sparse matrix is a matrix that allows special techniques to take advantage of the large number of zero elements.Sparse matrix is very useful in engineering field, when solving the partial differentiation equations. Read more about how to generate sparse matrix.
Read more about C Programming Language .

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void main()
int A[10][10],B[10][3],m,n,s=0,i,j;
printf("nEnter the order m x n of the sparse matrixn");
printf("nEnter the elements in the sparse matrix(mostly zeroes)n");
printf("n%d row and %d column: ",i,j);
printf("The given matrix is:n");
printf("%d ",A[i][j]);
printf("nThe sparse matrix is given by");
printf("%d ",B[i][j]);

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C Basic
C Strings
Matrix in c

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C Program to demonstrate sprintf statement.

C Program to demonstrate the ‘sprintf‘ statement. This example is a bit lame as the same effect can be seen with a ‘printf’. But, it does show a string being built and passed into a function. Read more about C Programming Language .

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#include <stdio.h>

int i=1; /* Define an integer variable. */
char message[80]; /* Text string */

/* format text and put into 'message' this a great
* improvement over using 'strcpy' and 'strcat' to
* build a text string.
sprintf (message, "i is %i", i);
/* I may be stating the obvious but a '' is
* put on the end of the string. */

puts(message); /* Display message */


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K & R C Programs Exercise 5-7.

K and R C, Solution to Exercise 5-7:
K and R C Programs Exercises provides the solution to all the exercises in the C Programming Language (2nd Edition). You can learn and solve K&R C Programs Exercise.
C Program to rewrite the readline function to store lines in the arraysupplied by main, rather than calling alloc to maintain storage. How much faster is the program?
The readlile function is slightly faster than the original version in the book K and R C Program page 109.Read more about C Programming Language .

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#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0

#define MAXLINES 5000 /* maximum number of lines */
#define MAXLEN 1000 /* maximum length of a line */
char *lineptr[MAXLINES];
char lines[MAXLINES][MAXLEN];

int getline(char s[], int lim)
int c, i;

for (i = 0; i < lim - 1 && (c = getchar()) != EOF && c != 'n'; i++)
s[i] = c;
if (c == 'n') {
s[i++] = c;
s[i] = '';
return i;

int readlines(char *lineptr[], int maxlines)
int len, nlines;
char *p, line[MAXLEN];

nlines = 0;
while ((len = getline(line, MAXLEN)) > 0)
if (nlines >= maxlines || (p = malloc(len)) == NULL)
return -1;
else {
line[len - 1] = ''; /* delete the newline */
strcpy(p, line);
lineptr[nlines++] = p;
return nlines;

int readlines2(char lines[][MAXLEN], int maxlines)
int len, nlines;

nlines = 0;
while ((len = getline(lines[nlines], MAXLEN)) > 0)
if (nlines >= maxlines)
return -1;
lines[nlines++][len - 1] = '';
return nlines;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

readlines2(lines, MAXLINES);

if (argc > 1 && *argv[1] == '2') {
readlines2(lines, MAXLINES);
} else {
readlines(lineptr, MAXLINES);

return 0;

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K & R C Programs Exercise 5-4.

K and R C, Solution to Exercise 5-4:
K and R C Programs Exercises provides the solution to all the exercises in the C Programming Language (2nd Edition). You can learn and solve K&R C Programs Exercise.
C Program, that returns 1 if the string t occurs at the end of the string s, and zero otherwise. Read more about C Programming Language .

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#include <stdio.h>

//finds the string length, standard "strlen" function
int str_len(char *s)
int n;

for(n = 0; *s != ''; s++)
return n;

int str_cmp(char *s, char *t)
for(;*s == *t; s++, t++)
if(*s == '')
return 0;
return *s - *t;

int str_end(char *s, char *t)
int Result = 0;
int s_length = 0;
int t_length = 0;

/* get the lengths of the strings */
s_length = str_len(s);
t_length = str_len(t);

/* check if the lengths mean that the string t could fit at the string s */
if(t_length <= s_length)
/* advance the s pointer to where the string t would have to start in string s */
s += s_length - t_length;

/* and make the compare using strcmp */
if(0 == str_cmp(s, t))
Result = 1;

return Result;
int main(void)
char Str1[8192] ;
char Str2[8192] ;
char Str3[8192] ;
printf("n Enter the first string: n");
printf("n Enter the second string: n");
printf("n Enter the third string: n");
printf("String one is (%s)n", Str1);
printf("String two is (%s)n", Str2);
printf("String two is (%s)n", Str3);

if(str_end(Str1, Str2))
printf("The string (%s) has (%s) at the end.n", Str1, Str2);
printf("The string (%s) doesn't have (%s) at the end.n", Str1, Str2);
if(str_end(Str1, Str3))
printf("The string (%s) has (%s) at the end.n", Str1, Str3);
printf("The string (%s) doesn't have (%s) at the end.n", Str1, Str3);

return 0;

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K & R C Programs Exercise 5-3.

K and R C, Solution to Exercise 5-3:
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C Program to concatenate the two strings using the pointers
This program shows, how the standard library function “strcat” works!. Read more about C Programming Language .

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#include <stdio.h>
/* str_cat: concatenate t to the end of s: pointer version */
void str_cat(char *s, char *t)
/* run through the destination string until we point at the terminating '' */
while('' != *s)


/* now copy until we run out of string to copy */
while('' != (*s = *t))

int main(void)
char Str1[8192] ;
char Str2[8192] ;
printf("n Enter the first string: n");
printf("n Enter the second string: n");
printf("String one is (%s)n", Str1);
printf("String two is (%s)n", Str2);

str_cat(Str1, Str2);
printf("The combined string is (%s)n", Str1);

return 0;

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