C Program to demonstrate Ternary condition.

C Program to demonstrate the Ternary conditional operator(?). Ternary operator is a short hand combination of the if-else statement. You can use the ternary operator in initialize lists. Read more about C Programming Language . /************************************************************ You can use all the programs on www.c-program-example.com* for personal and learning purposes. For permissions to use the* programs …

C Program to find Binomial Coefficients

C Program to find Binomial Integers without using recursion. Binomial coefficients are positive integers that are coefficient of any term in the expansion of (x + a) the number of combination’s of a specified size that can be drawn from a given set. There are many ways to compute the Binomial coefficients. Like, Recursive formula …

C program to create a subsets using backtracking method.

C Program to find the subsets in the set. We use the backtracking method to solve this problem. Backtracking is the refinement method of Brute-Force method. Backtrack method means it finds the number of sub solutions and each may have number of sub divisions, and solution chosen for exactly one. Backtracking method is a recursive …

C program to implement Depth First Search(DFS)

C program to implement Depth First Search(DFS). Depth First Search is an algorithm used to search the Tree or Graph. DFS search starts from root node then traversal into left child node and continues, if item found it stops other wise it continues. The advantage of DFS is it requires less memory compare to Breadth …

Breadth First Search (BFS) in C

Breadth First Search/Traversal C program to implement Breadth First Search(BFS). Breadth First Search is an algorithm used to search a Tree or Graph. BFS search starts from root node then traverses into next level of graph or tree, if item found it stops other wise it continues with other nodes in the same level before moving …

C Program to find the Inverse of the Matrix.

C Program to find the Inverse of a Matrix. To find the Matrix Inverse, matrix should be a square matrix and Matrix Determinant is should not Equal to Zero. if A is a Square matrix and |A|!=0, then AA’=I (I Means Identity Matrix). Read more about C Programming Language . /************************************************************ You can use all …

C Program to implement Dijkstra’s algorithm.

C Program to implement Dijkstra’s algorithm. Dijkstra’s Algorithm finds the shortest path with the lower cost in a Graph. Dijkstra’s Algorithm solves the Single Source Shortest Path problem for a Graph. It is a Greedy algorithm and similar to Prim’s algorithm. Read more about C Programming Language . /************************************************************ You can use all the programs …

C Program to solve Knapsack problem

C Program to solve Knapsack problem. Knapsack problem is also called as rucksack problem. In Knapsack problem, given a set items with values and weights and a limited weight bag . We have to find the optimum solution so that, in minimum cost(value) fill the bag with the maximum weight. Read more about C Programming …

C Program to find GCD and LCM using Recursion

C Program to find the GCD and LCM. In this program we used the Recursion method. Recursion is the programming technique that a process invoking itself again and again. Here find_gcd() and find_(lcm) are the recursive methods. for example LCM and GCD of 8,12 is 24 and 4 Read more about C Programming Language . …

C program to print Fibonacci numbers using Recursion

C Program to print Fibonacci numbers. In this program we used the Recursion method. Recursion is the programming technique that a process invoking itself again and again. Fibonacci numbers are sequence of numbers starts from 0 and 1 , continue by adding previous number. 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,…….. Read more about C Programming Language . /************************************************************ You can …