C program to delete n Characters from a given position in a given string.

C Strings:
C Program to delete the n characters from a given position from a given string. Here we use the gets() and puts() functions to read and write the string. delchar() function reads the character string and checks the length and position, then using strcpy() function it replaces the original string.Read more about C Programming Language .

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#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string.h>

void delchar(char *x,int a, int b);

void main()
char string[10];
int n,pos,p;

puts("Enter the string");
printf("Enter the position from where to delete");
printf("Enter the number of characters to be deleted");
delchar(string, n,pos);

// Function to delete n characters
void delchar(char *x,int a, int b)
if ((a+b-1) <= strlen(x))

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C Program to implement Doubly Linked List Operations

Data structures using C, Linked list is a data structure in which the objects are arranged in a linear order. In Doubly Linked List, each node contains three fields, one is to store data and other two fields stores the reference(address) of the previous and next node. Read more about C Programming Language .

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#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct dnode {
int data;
struct dnode *next, *prev;

DNODE *InsFront(DNODE *, int);
DNODE *InsBefore(DNODE *, int, int);
DNODE *DelNode(DNODE *, int);
void Display(DNODE *);

main() {
DNODE *start = NULL; /* Main Program */
int opn, elem, info, n, i;
do {
printf("n ### Doubly Linked List Operations ### nn");
printf("n Press 1-Creation with front Insertion");
printf("n 2-Insert Before a Given Node");
printf("n 3-Delete a Given Node");
printf("n 4-Display");
printf("n 5-Exitn");
printf("n Your option ? ");
scanf("%d", &opn);
switch (opn) {
case 1:
printf("nnHow Many Nodes ?");
scanf("%d", &n);
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
printf("nRead the Data for Node %d ?", i);
scanf("%d", &elem);
start = InsFront(start, elem);
printf("nDoubly Linked list with %d nodes is ready toUse!!n", n);
case 3:
printf(" Read the Info of the Node to be deleted ? ");
scanf("%d", &info);
start = DelNode(start, info);
case 2:
printf(" Read the Data for New noden");
scanf("%d", &elem);
" Read the Info of the Node(to the left of which new node tobe inserted ? ");
scanf("%d", &info);
start = InsBefore(start, elem, info);
case 4:
printf(" Doubly Linked List is n");
case 5:
printf("nn Terminating nn");
printf("nnInvalid Option !!! Try Again !! nn");
printf("nnnn Press a Key to Continue . . . ");
} while (opn != 5);

DNODE *InsFront(DNODE *start, int elem) {
DNODE *temp;
temp = (DNODE *) malloc(sizeof(DNODE));
if (temp == NULL) {
printf(" Out of Memory !! Overflow !!!");
return (start);
} else {
temp->data = elem;
temp->prev = NULL;
temp->next = start;
start->prev = temp;
printf(" New Node has been inserted at Front Successfully !!");
return (temp);

DNODE *InsBefore(DNODE *start, int elem, int info) {
DNODE *temp, *t;
temp = (DNODE *) malloc(sizeof(DNODE));
if (temp == NULL) {
printf(" Out of Memory !! Overflow !!!");
return (start);
} else {
temp->data = elem;
temp->next = NULL;
temp->prev = NULL;

if (start->data == info) /* Front Insertion */
temp->next = start;
start->prev = temp;
return (temp);
} else {
t = start;
while (t != NULL && t->data != info)
t = t->next;
if (t->data == info) /* Node found */
temp->next = t;
temp->prev = t->prev;
t->prev->next = temp;
t->prev = temp;
} else
printf(" Node not found,Invalid Info !!!");
return (start);

DNODE *DelNode(DNODE *start, int info) {
if (start == NULL) {
printf(" Underflow!!!");
return (start);
} else {
t = start;
if (start->data == info) /* Front Deletion */
start = start->next;
start->prev = NULL;
t->next = NULL;
return (start);
} else {
while (t != NULL && t->data != info)
t = t->next;
if (t->data == info) /* node to be deleted found*/
t->prev->next = t->next;
t->next->prev = t->prev;
t->next = t->prev = NULL;
} else
printf("Node not found, Invalid Info !!");
return (start);

void Display(DNODE *start) {
if (start == NULL)
printf("Empty Listn");
else {
t = start;
printf("Forward Traversal nn Start->");
while (t) {
printf("[%d]->", t->data);
t = t->next;

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Linked List Operations

Data structures using C,
Linked list is a data structure in which the objects are arranged in a linear order. Linked List contains group of nodes, in which each node contains two fields, one is data field and another one is the reference field which contains the address of next node. In this program we insert, delete, search, and display the linked list. Read more about C Programming Language .

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#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct node {
int sid;
char sname[25];
int ssem;
struct node *link;

NODE *InsFront(NODE *, int, char *, int);
NODE *InsBack(NODE *, int, char *, int);
NODE *InsPos(NODE *, int, char *, int, int);
NODE *DelNode(NODE *, int);
NODE *SrchUpdate(NODE *, int);
void Display(NODE *);

main() {
NODE *start = NULL; /* Main Program */
int opn, id, sem, p, insopn;
char name[25];
do {
printf("n ### Linked List Operations ### nn");
printf("n Press 1-Insertion, 2-Deletion, 3-Search, 4-Display,5-Exitn");
printf("n Your option ? ");
scanf("%d", &opn);
switch (opn) {
case 1:
printf("Insertion at: Press 1->Front 2->Back 3->Pos ? ");
scanf("%d", &insopn);
printf("nnRead the Sid,Name, and Sem details ?");
scanf("%d%s%d", &id, name, &sem);
if (insopn == 1)
start = InsFront(start, id, name, sem);
else if (insopn == 2)
start = InsBack(start, id, name, sem);
else if (insopn == 3) {
printf(" At What Position ? ");
scanf("%d", &p);
start = InsPos(start, id, name, sem, p);

case 2:
printf(" Read the Student Id of the Node to be deleted ? ");
scanf("%d", &id);
start = DelNode(start, id);
case 3:
printf(" Read the Student Id of the Node to be Searched ? ");
scanf("%d", &id);
start = SrchUpdate(start, id);
case 4:
printf(" Linked List is n");
case 5:
printf("nn Terminating nn");
printf("nnInvalid Option !!! Try Again !! nn");
printf("nnnn Press a Key to Continue . . . ");
} while (opn != 5);

NODE *InsFront(NODE *st, int id, char *name, int sem) {
NODE *temp;
temp = (NODE *) malloc(sizeof(NODE));
if (temp == NULL) {
printf(" Out of Memory !! Overflow !!!");
return (st);
} else {
temp->sid = id;
strcpy(temp->sname, name);
temp->ssem = sem;
temp->link = st;
printf(" Node has been inserted at Front Successfully !!");
return (temp);

NODE *InsBack(NODE *st, int id, char *name, int sem) {
NODE *temp, *t;
temp = (NODE *) malloc(sizeof(NODE));
if (temp == NULL) {
printf(" Out of Memory !! Overflow !!!");
return (st);
} else {
temp->sid = id;
strcpy(temp->sname, name);
temp->ssem = sem;
temp->link = NULL;
if (st == NULL)
return (temp);
else {
t = st;
while (t->link != NULL)
t = t->link;
t->link = temp;
printf(" Node has been inserted at Back Successfully !!");
return (st);

NODE *InsPos(NODE *st, int id, char *name, int sem, int pos) {
NODE *temp, *t, *prev;
int cnt;
temp = (NODE *) malloc(sizeof(NODE));
if (temp == NULL) {
printf(" Out of Memory !! Overflow !!!");
return (st);
} else {
temp->sid = id;
strcpy(temp->sname, name);
temp->ssem = sem;
temp->link = NULL;
if (pos == 1) /* Front Insertion */
temp->link = st;
return (temp);
} else {
t = st;
cnt = 1;
while (t != NULL && cnt != pos) {
prev = t;
t = t->link;
if (t) /* valid Position Insert new node*/
prev->link = temp;
temp->link = t;
} else
printf(" Invalid Position !!!");
printf(" Node has been inserted at given Position Successfully !!");
return (st);
NODE *DelNode(NODE *st, int id) {
NODE *t, *prev;
if (st == NULL) {
printf(" Underflow!!!");
return (st);
} else {
t = st;
if (st->sid == id) /* Front Deletion */
st = st->link;
t->link = NULL;
return (st);
} else {
while (t != NULL && t->sid != id) {
prev = t;
t = t->link;
if (t) /* node to be deleted found*/
prev->link = t->link;
t->link = NULL;
} else
printf(" Invalid Student Id !!!");
return (st);

NODE *SrchUpdate(NODE *st, int id) {
NODE *t;
if (st == NULL) {
printf(" Empty List !!");
return (st);
} else {
t = st;
while (t != NULL && t->sid != id) {
t = t->link;
if (t) /* node to be Updated found*/
printf(" Node with Student Id %d found inthe List !n", id);
printf(" Read the New Id,Name and Sem forthe Studentn");
scanf("%d%s%d", t->sid, t->sname, t->ssem);
} else
printf(" Invalid Student Id !!!");
return (st);

void Display(NODE *st) {
NODE *t;
if (st == NULL)
printf("Empty Listn");
else {
t = st;
while (t) {
printf("[%d,%s,%d]->", t->sid, t->sname, t->ssem);
t = t->link;

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C Program for Infix to Postfix Conversion.

C Program for Infix to Postfix Conversion. Here we covert the infix expression to postfix expression by using stack. for example a*b-c/d is the infix expression, and equivalent postfix expression is: ab*cd/-. Read more about C Programming Language .

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#define SIZE 50 /* Size of Stack */
#include <ctype.h>
char s[SIZE];
int top = -1; /* Global declarations */

push(char elem) { /* Function for PUSH operation */
s[++top] = elem;

char pop() { /* Function for POP operation */
return (s[top--]);

int pr(char elem) { /* Function for precedence */
switch (elem) {
case '#':
return 0;
case '(':
return 1;
case '+':
case '-':
return 2;
case '*':
case '/':
return 3;

main() { /* Main Program */
char infx[50], pofx[50], ch, elem;
int i = 0, k = 0;
printf("nnRead the Infix Expression ? ");
scanf("%s", infx);
while ((ch = infx[i++]) != '') {
if (ch == '(')
else if (isalnum(ch))
pofx[k++] = ch;
else if (ch == ')') {
while (s[top] != '(')
pofx[k++] = pop();
elem = pop(); /* Remove ( */
} else { /* Operator */
while (pr(s[top]) >= pr(ch))
pofx[k++] = pop();
while (s[top] != '#') /* Pop from stack till empty */
pofx[k++] = pop();
pofx[k] = ''; /* Make pofx as valid string */
printf("nnGiven Infix Expn: %s Postfix Expn: %sn", infx, pofx);

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C Program to compare two strings

C Strings:
C Program to accepts two strings and compare them, Finally it prints whether both are equal, or first string is greater than the second or the first string is less than the second string. The string comparison starts with the first character in each string and continues with subsequent characters until the corresponding characters differ or until the end of the strings is reached. Read more about C Programming Language .

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void main()
 int count1=0,count2=0,flag=0,i;
 char str1[10],str2[10];

 puts("Enter a string:");

 puts("Enter another string:");
 /*Count the number of characters in str1*/
 while (str1[count1]!='')
 /*Count the number of characters in str2*/
 while (str2[count2]!='')

 /*The string comparison starts with the first character in each string and
 continues with subsequent characters until the corresponding characters
 differ or until the end of the strings is reached.*/

 while ( (i < count1) && (i < count2))
  if (str1[i] == str2[i])
  if (str1[i]<str2[i])
   flag = -1;
  if (str1[i] > str2[i])
   flag = 1;

 if (flag==0)
  printf("Both strings are equaln");
 if (flag==1)
  printf("String1 is greater than string2n", str1, str2);
 if (flag == -1)
  printf("String1 is less than string2n", str1, str2);
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Searching in C

C Strings

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C Program to demonstrate time functions.

C Program to demonstrate time functions. time.h library function is used to get and manipulate date and time functions. Read more about C Programming Language .

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#include <stdio.h> /* NULL */
#include <time.h> /* ctime, asctime */

time_t now; /* define 'now'. time_t is probably
* a typedef */

/* Calender time is the number of
* seconds since 1/1/1970 */

now = time((time_t *)NULL); /* Get the system time and put it
* into 'now' as 'calender time' */

printf("%s", ctime(&now)); /* Format data in 'now'
* NOTE that 'ctime' inserts a
* 'n' */


/* Here is another way to extract the time/date information */


printf("%s", ctime(&now)); /* Format data in 'now' */


struct tm *l_time;

l_time = localtime(&now); /* Convert 'calender time' to
* 'local time' - return a pointer
* to the 'tm' structure. localtime
* reserves the storage for us. */
printf("%s", asctime(l_time));


printf("%s", asctime(localtime( &now )));


struct tm *l_time;
char string[20];

l_time = localtime(&now);
strftime(string, sizeof string, "%d-%b-%yn", l_time);
printf("%s", string);

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C program to Demonstrate the #define pre-processor.

C Program to demonstrate #define pre-processor. Macro is a piece of text that is expanded by the pre-processor part of the compiler. This is used in to expand text before compiling. Macro definitions (#define), and conditional inclusion (#if). In many C implementations, it is a separate program invoked by the compiler as the first part of translation.Read more about C Programming Language .

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#define EQ ==

main ()
/* the EQ is translated to == by
* the C pre-processor. COOL!
if ( 5 EQ 5 ) printf("define works...n");
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Number System

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C Program to find second largest and second smallest element in an array

Arrays in C,
C Program to find second largest and second smallest element in the array.  Program will accept a list of data items and find the second largest and second smallest elements in it. And also compute the average of both. And search for the average value whether it is present in the array or not. Display appropriate message on successful search.  Read more about C Programming Language .

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#include <stdio.h>

void main ()
 int number[30];
 int i,j,a,n,counter,ave;

 printf ("Enter the value of Nn");
 scanf ("%d", &n);

 printf ("Enter the numbers n");
 for (i=0; i<n; ++i)
  scanf ("%d",&number[i]);

 for (i=0; i<n; ++i)
  for (j=i+1; j<n; ++j)
   if (number[i] < number[j])
    a        = number[i];
    number[i] = number[j];
    number[j] = a;

 printf ("The numbers arranged in descending order are given belown");
 for (i=0; i<n; ++i)
  printf ("%dn",number[i]);

 printf ("The 2nd largest number is  = %dn", number[1]);
 printf ("The 2nd smallest number is = %dn", number[n-2]);

 ave = (number[1] +number[n-2])/2;
 counter = 0;

 for (i=0; i<n; ++i)
  if (ave == number[i])
 if (counter == 0 )
  printf ("The average of %d  and %d is = %d is not in the arrayn", number[1], number[n-2], ave);
  printf ("The average of %d  and %d in the array is %d in numbersn",number[1], number[n-2], counter);
}           /* End of main() */
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C program to accept N numbers and arrange them in an descending order

C Sorting,
C program to accept N numbers and arrange them in an descending order. Program will accept the array of elements, and returns the elements in descending order. Program use the Bubble sort Technique to sort the Array. Read more about C Programming Language .

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#include <stdio.h>

void main ()
int i,j,a,n,number[30];

printf ("Enter the value of Nn");
scanf ("%d", &n);

printf ("Enter the numbers n");
for (i=0; i<n; ++i)
scanf ("%d",&number[i]);

for (i=0; i<n; ++i)
for (j=i+1; j<n; ++j)
if (number[i] < number[j])
a= number[i];
number[i] = number[j];
number[j] = a;

printf ("The numbers arrenged in descending order are given belown");
for (i=0; i<n; ++i)
printf ("%dn",number[i]);
} /* End of main() */
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Sorting Techniques

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C Program to check if a given matrix is an identity matrix

C Program to check if a given matrix is an identity matrix or not. If I is theIdentity Matrix,then for any matrix A, IA=AI=A. Program will check the givan matrix is identity or not, and prints the appropriate message. Read more about C Programming Language .


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/* C Program Write a C Program to check if a given matrix is an identity matrix */
#include <stdio.h>

void main()
int A[10][10];
int i, j, R, C, flag =1;

printf("Enter the order of the matrix An");
scanf("%d %d", &R, &C);

printf("Enter the elements of matrix An");
for(i=0; i<R; i++)
for(j=0; j<C; j++)
printf("MATRIX A isn");
for(i=0; i<R; i++)
for(j=0; j<C; j++)

/* Check for unit (or identity) matrix */

for(i=0; i<R; i++)
for(j=0; j<C; j++)
if((A[i][i] != 1) || (( i != j) && (A[i][j] != 0)))
flag = 0;

if(flag == 1 )
printf("It is identity matrixn");
printf("It is not a identity matrixn");
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