C Program which produces its own source code as its output.

Write a c program which produces its own source code as its output.This C program uses the C File i/o operations like fopen(), fclose(). In this program, We pritn the source code of the program.Read more about C Programming Language . /************************************************************ You can use all the programs on www.c-program-example.com* for personal and learning purposes. …

C Aptitude: Endianness, Pointer Arithmetic

C Aptitude 31In this episode we’ll learn learn more about Endianness, Pointer Arithmetic.C program is one of most popular programming language which is used for core level of coding across the board. C program is used for operating systems, embedded systems, system engineering, word processors,hard ware drivers, etc. In this site, we have discussed various type …

C Program to implement bucket sort

Write C program to implement bucket sort. The idea of Bucket Sort is to divide the interval [0, 1] into n equal-sized sub intervals, or buckets, and then distribute the n input numbers into the buckets. To produce the output, we simply sort the numbers in each bucket and then go through the buckets in …

C Aptitude Questions and answers with explanation

C Aptitude 30C program is one of most popular programming language which is used for core level of coding across the board. C program is used for operating systems, embedded systems, system engineering, word processors,hard ware drivers, etc. In this site, we have discussed various type of C programs till date and from now on, …

C Aptitude Questions and answers with explanation

C Aptitude 29C program is one of most popular programming language which is used for core level of coding across the board. C program is used for operating systems, embedded systems, system engineering, word processors,hard ware drivers, etc. In this site, we have discussed various type of C programs till date and from now on, …

C Aptitude Questions and answers with explanation

C Aptitude 28C program is one of most popular programming language which is used for core level of coding across the board. C program is used for operating systems, embedded systems, system engineering, word processors,hard ware drivers, etc. The C aptitude questions and answers for those questions along with explanation for the interview related queries. …

C Program to delete a file using remove function.

Write a C program to delete a specified file using remove function. remove function deletes the specified file, where it takes file name as the argument and if file is successively deleted it returns 0 , other wise returns a non zero value. Read more about C Programming Language . and read the C Programming …

C program without using main function

Write a C program without using main function.In this program, we didn’t use the main function, but we are using the preprocessor directive #define with arguments to define the Main function.A Preprocessor is program which processes the source code before compilation.The ‘##‘ operator is called the token pasting or token merging operator. In the second …

C Aptitude Questions and answers with explanation

C Aptitude 27C program is one of most popular programming language which is used for core level of coding across the board. C program is used for operating systems, embedded systems, system engineering, word processors,hard ware drivers, etc. The C aptitude questions and answers for those questions along with explanation for the interview related queries. …

C program to print given numbers as a pyramid

Write a C program to print given numbers as a pyramid.In this program we use the simple for statements to produce the patterns.This program prints the following output,        1      232    34543  4567654567898765 Read more about C Programming Language . and read the C Programming Language (2nd Edition). by K and …